глагол [американский вариант английского языка, используется в разговорной речи]; то же, что и ante up вносить долю, делать взнос; оплачивать Например: The government anted up $10,000 to send the children's theatre company on tour. — Правительство внесло 10 тысяч долларов для оплаты гастролей детской театральной труппы.
I. noun Etymology: ante- 1. a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot Example: the dealer called for a dollar ante 2. a. cost, price Example: these improvements would raise the ante b. risk, stakes Example: the new law ups the ante on tax cheats c. a level (as of achievement or intensity) regarded especially as a goal or standard Example: the film ups the ante on special effects II. verb (anted; anteing) transitive verb to put up (an ante); also pay, produce — often used with up intransitive verb pay up — often used with up