имя существительное 1) хирургия Например: outpatient surgery [американский вариант английского языка] — хирургия в амбулаторных условиях 2) а) кабинет или приёмная врача с аптекой б) приём больных 3) а) приём избирателей (депутатом) б) кабинет депутата
noun (plural -geries) Etymology: Middle English surgerie, from Anglo-French cirurgerie, surgerie, from Latin chirurgia, from Greek cheirourgia, from cheirourgos surgeon, from cheirourgos doing by hand, from cheir hand + ergon work — more at chir-, work 1. a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions requiring or amenable to operative or manual procedures 2. alterations made as if by surgery Example: literary surgery 3. a. British a physician's or dentist's office b. a room or area where surgery is performed 4. a. the work done by a surgeon b. operation