
прилагательное [литературно-книжное] 1) распутный 2) нарочито красивый (о стиле художника, писателя) Синоним(ы): gaudy 3) показной; мишурный Синоним(ы): ostentatious

Большой англо-русский словарь


adjective Etymology: Latin meretricius, from meretric-, meretrix prostitute, from merēre to earn — more at merit 1. of or relating to a prostitute; having the nature of prostitution Example: meretricious relationships 2. a. tawdrily and falsely attractive Example: the paradise they found was a piece of meretricious trash — Carolyn See b. superficially significant; pretentious Example: scholarly names to provide fig-leaves of respectability for meretricious but stylish books — Times Literary Supplement Synonyms: see gaudymeretriciously adverbmeretriciousness noun

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