
прилагательное 1) покрытый волосами, волосатый Синоним(ы): hirsute 2) опушенный, ворсистый (о листьях и стеблях растений) 3) ворсистый (о ткани) 4) [используется в разговорной речи] страшный, опасный, трудный Например: hairy adventure — опасное приключение Синоним(ы): difficult, frightening, hair-raising 5) грубый, топорный; неуклюжий Синоним(ы): crude, clumsy, rough, erratic

Большой англо-русский словарь


волосистый, мохнатый

Англо-русский научно-технический словарь


adjective (hairier; -est) 1. a. covered with hair or hairlike material b. having a downy fuzz on the stems and leaves 2. made of or resembling hair 3. a. tending to cause nervous tension (as from danger) Example: a hairy adventure b. difficult to deal with or comprehend Example: a hairy math problemhairiness noun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary


1. Annoyingly complicated. "DWIM is incredibly hairy." 2. Incomprehensible. "DWIM is incredibly hairy." 3. Of people, high-powered, authoritative, rare, expert, and/or incomprehensible. Hard to explain except in context: "He knows this hairy lawyer who says there's nothing to worry about." See also hirsute. The adjective "long-haired" is well-attested to have been in slang use among scientists and engineers during the early 1950s; it was equivalent to modern "hairy" and was very likely ancestral to the hackish use. In fact the noun "long-hair" was at the time used to describe a hairy person. Both senses probably passed out of use when long hair was adopted as a signature trait by the 1960s counterculture, leaving hackish "hairy" as a sort of stunted mutant relic. 4. hairy ball.

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