
прилагательное 1) банальный, избитый, неоригинальный Например: trite phrase — избитая фраза trite metaphor — стёршаяся метафора Синоним(ы): clich, hackneyed, stale, stereotyped, stock, threadbare, banal, commonplace Антоним(ы): creative, up-to-date 2) изношенный, потёртый 3) протоптанный, проторённый (о дороге)

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adjective (triter; tritest) Etymology: Latin tritus, from past participle of terere to rub, wear away — more at throw hackneyed or boring from much use; not fresh or original • tritely adverbtriteness noun Synonyms: trite, hackneyed, stereotyped, threadbare mean lacking the freshness that evokes attention or interest. trite applies to a once effective phrase or idea spoiled from long familiarity Example: “you win some, you lose some” is a trite expression. hackneyed stresses being worn out by overuse so as to become dull and meaningless Example: all of the metaphors and images in the poem are hackneyed. stereotyped implies falling invariably into the same pattern or form Example: views of minorities that are stereotyped and out-of-date. threadbare applies to what has been used until its possibilities of interest have been totally exhausted Example: a mystery novel with a threadbare plot.

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