
имя существительное 1) а) бельмо б) глаз с бельмом 2) косоглазие 3) [зоология] светлопёрый судак ([латинский язык] Stizostedion vitreum)

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun Etymology: back-formation from walleyed 1. a. an eye with a whitish or bluish-white iris b. an eye with an opaque white cornea 2. a. strabismus in which the eye turns outward away from the nose b. an eye affected with strabismus of this type 3. a large vigorous North American freshwater food and sport fish (Stizostedion vitreum) that has large opaque eyes and is related to the perches but resembles the true pike — called also walleyed pike

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary