
1. прилагательное тройной; утроенный Например: triple chin — тройной подбородок triple portion — тройная порция triple interest — утроенный интерес triple rows of chains — тройные ряды цепей the Triple Alliance [историческое] — Тройственный союз (военно-политический блок Германии, Австро-Венгрии и Италии; сформировался в 1882 г.) triple time [музыка] — трёхдольный размер Синоним(ы): threefold, treble 2. глагол а) утраиваться Например: The export of commodities tripled. — Экспорт товаров вырос втрое. б) утраивать Например: to triple one's revenue — увеличивать свои доходы втрое 3. имя существительное 1) тройное количество 2) тройка, три предмета; триада 3) смотри значение trifecta

Большой англо-русский словарь


1) тройка; триада 2) трёхзаходный 3) трёхкратный 4) трёхразовый 5) тройничный 6) тройной; тройственный 7) утраивать; страивать; утроенный; строенный

Англо-русский научно-технический словарь


I. verb (tripled; tripling) Etymology: Middle English (Scots), from Late Latin triplare, from Latin triplus, adjective transitive verb 1. to make three times as great or as many 2. a. to score (a base runner) by a triple b. to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a triple intransitive verb 1. to become three times as great or as numerous Example: their profits tripled last year 2. to make a triple in baseball II. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin triplus, adjective 1. a. a triple sum, quantity, or number b. a combination, group, or series of three 2. a base hit that allows the batter to reach third base safely 3. trifecta 1 III. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin triplus, from tri- + -plus multiplied by — more at -fold 1. being three times as great or as many 2. having or involving three units or members Example: triple bypass heart surgery 3. having a threefold relation or character Example: worked as a double or even triple agent — Time 4. a. three times repeated; treble b. having three full revolutions Example: a triple somersault Example: a triple lutz 5. marked by three beats per musical measure Example: triple meter 6. a. having units of three components Example: triple feet b. of rhyme involving correspondence of three syllables (as in unfortunate-importunate)

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary