
1. имя существительное 1) а) большой палец (руки) б) большой палец перчатки, рукавицы 2) выступающая часть (чего-либо) 3) мера длины (приравнивается к одному дюйму) Например: under somebody's thumb — всецело под влиянием или во власти кого-либо; под башмаком thumbs up! — недурно!, подходяще! to be all thumbs — быть неловким, неуклюжим to be thumbs down on something — быть против, запрещать, бойкотировать что-либо to clap / put / keep the thumb on [употребляется в Шотландии] — хранить (что-либо) в секрете to be all thumbs — быть неловким, неуклюжим His fingers turned to thumbs. — Его пальцы одеревенели. 2. глагол 1) то же, что и thumb through - листать, смотреть (журнал, книгу) Например: to thumb through a book — пролистать книгу Синоним(ы): scan, turn over 2) уминать, разравнивать, утрамбовывать (пальцем) Например: To thumb down the tobacco in one's pipe. — Утрамбовать табак в трубке. 3) [используется в разговорной речи] голосовать на дороге, путешествовать автостопом (в Европе традиционным жестом для автостопа является поднятый вверх большой палец) Например: Like many students I had thumbed my way through France. — Как многие студенты, я объехал Францию автостопом. Синоним(ы): hitchhike 4) замусолить, растрепать, испачкать (в результате неаккуратного или чрезмерного использования) Синоним(ы): disarrange, soil, wear Например: to thumb one's nose at somebody — показать нос кому-либо

Большой англо-русский словарь


1) разновидность курсора, метка [позиции в обрабатываемом документе] 2) бегунок ("движок", "ползунок") линейки прокрутки

Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов


I. noun Etymology: Middle English thoume, thoumbe, from Old English thūma; akin to Old High German thūmo thumb, Latin tumēre to swell 1. the short thick digit of the human hand that is analogous in position to the big toe and differs from the other fingers in having only two phalanges, allowing greater freedom of movement, and being opposable to each of them; also a corresponding digit in lower animals 2. the part of a glove or mitten that covers the thumb 3. a convex molding; ovolo II. verb transitive verb 1. a. to leaf through (pages) with the thumb; turn b. to soil or wear by or as if by repeated thumbing Example: a badly thumbed book 2. to request or obtain (a ride) in a passing automobile by signaling with the thumb intransitive verb 1. to turn over pages Example: thumb through a book 2. to travel by thumbing rides; hitchhike Example: thumbed across the country

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary


An extension to the Advanced RISC Machine architecture, announced on 06 March 1995 by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. By identifying the critical subset of the ARM instruction set and encoding it into 16 bits, ARM has succeeded in reducing typical program size by 30-40% from ARM's already excellent code density. Since this Thumb instruction set uses less memory for program storage, cost is further reduced. All Thumb-aware processor cores combine the capability to execute both the 32-bit ARM and the 16-bit Thumb instruction sets. Careful design of the Thumb instructions allow them to be decompressed into full ARM instructions transparently during normal instruction decoding without any performance penalty. This differs from other 32-bit processors, like the Intel 486SX, with a 16-bit data bus, which require two 16-bit memory accesses to execute every 32-bit instruction and so halve performance. The patented Thumb decompressor has been carefully designed with only a small amount of circuitry additional to the existing instruction decoder, so chip size and thus cost do not significantly increase. Designers can easily interleave fast ARM instructions (for performance critical parts of a program) with compact Thumb code to save memory.

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The slider or "bubble" on a window system scrollbar. So called because moving it allows you to browse through the contents of a text window in a way analogous to thumbing through a book.

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