
имя существительное 1) Томас (мужское имя) 2) [библеистика] Фома (один из двенадцати апостолов) 3) [религия] Фома Например: St. / Saint Thomas Aquinas — св. Фома Аквинский (средневековый философ и богослов 13 в., канонизирован католической церковью)

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. noun Etymology: Greek Thōmas, from Hebrew t'ōm twin an apostle who demanded proof of Jesus' resurrection II. biographical name (Charles-Louis-) Ambroise 1811-1896 French composer III. biographical name Augustus 1857-1934 American dramatist IV. biographical name Clarence 1948- American jurist V. biographical name Dylan Marlais 1914-1953 Welsh poet VI. biographical name Edward Donnall 1920- American physician VII. biographical name Lowell (Jackson) 1892-1981 American traveler, journalist, and author VIII. biographical name Norman Mattoon 1884-1968 American socialist politician IX. biographical name Seth 1785-1859 American clock manufacturer X. biographical name (Christian Friedrich) Theodore 1835-1905 American (German-born) conductor

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary


A language compatible with the language Dylan(TM). Thomas is NOT Dylan(TM). The first public release of a translator to Scheme by Matt Birkholz, Jim Miller, and Ron Weiss, written at Digital Equipment Corporation's Cambridge Research Laboratory runs (slowly) on MIT's CScheme, DEC's Scheme->C, Marc Feeley's Gambi, Macintosh, PC, Vax, MIPS, Alpha, 680x0.

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