
местоимение 1) косвенный падеж от they 2) [используется в разговорной речи] они (вместо they после than, as, в позиции сказуемого после глагола be) Например: It's them. — Это они. 3) [используется в разговорной речи] -ся, -сь, себя, собой (употребляется в функции возвратного местоимения themselves) Например: They took their dog with them. — Они взяли с собой собаку.

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. pronoun objective case of they 1. they 1 — used as object of a verb or preposition Example: took them back Example: gave it to them 2. those — used especially as antecedent to a relative pronoun Example: the best of them that speak this speech — Shakespeare — used as the subject of a verb chiefly in nonstandard speech and for humorous effect Example: them is fighting words II. adjective nonstandard those — used chiefly in nonstandard speech and for humorous effect

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary