
прилагательное сидячий Например: sit-down strike — сидячая / итальянская забастовка sit-down banquet — банкет за столом (а не а ля фуршет) Синоним(ы): sedentary, sitting

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. adjective served to seated diners Example: a sit-down dinner; also of, relating to, or serving sit-down meals Example: a sit-down restaurant II. noun 1. a cessation of work by employees while maintaining continuous occupation of their place of employment as a protest and means toward forcing compliance with demands 2. a mass obstruction of an activity by sitting down to demonstrate a grievance or to get the activity modified or halted 3. a meeting held especially to discuss and resolve problems or conflicts

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary