
1. имя существительное а) [искусство] рококо (стиль в искусстве 18 в., отличающийся изысканной сложностью форм и причудливыми орнаментами) б) что-либо, выполненное в стиле рококо 2. прилагательное 1) [искусство] в стиле рококо Например: rococo furniture — мебель в стиле рококо 2) чрезмерно украшенный, пышный, вычурный Синоним(ы): ornate, intricate, florid 3) старомодный, устаревший Например: She is a bit rococo in manner. — Её манеры несколько старомодны. Синоним(ы): old-fashioned, antiquated

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. noun rococo work or style II. adjective Etymology: French, irregular from rocaille rocaille 1. a. of or relating to an artistic style especially of the 18th century characterized by fanciful curved asymmetrical forms and elaborate ornamentation b. of or relating to an 18th century musical style marked by light gay ornamentation and departure from thorough-bass and polyphony 2. excessively ornate or intricate

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary


Baroque in the extreme. Used to imply that a program has become so encrusted with the software equivalent of gold leaf and curlicues that they have completely swamped the underlying design. Called after the later and more extreme forms of Baroque architecture and decoration prevalent during the mid-1700s in Europe. Alan Perlis said: "Every program eventually becomes rococo, and then rubble." Compare critical mass.

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