глагол предсказывать, пророчить; прогнозировать Например: How often an observer can predict man's actions better than the man himself. — Как часто наблюдатель может предсказать действия человека лучше, чем сам человек. Синоним(ы): augur, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, prognosticate, prophesy, divine
verb Etymology: Latin praedictus, past participle of praedicere, from prae- pre- + dicere to say — more at diction transitive verb to declare or indicate in advance; especially foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason intransitive verb to make a prediction Synonyms: see foretell • predictability noun • predictable adjective • predictive adjective • predictively adverb • predictor noun
1. simulation, predictive analytics. 2. branch prediction. 3. predictive audio compression.