
1. прилагательное 1) а) новый, ранее не существовавший Например: new car — новая машина б) вновь обнаруженный, вновь открытый в) иной, другой; обновлённый Синоним(ы): restored 2) а) недавний, недавнего происхождения Синоним(ы): up-to-date б) свежий, молодой, новый Например: new wine — молодое вино new potatoes — молодой картофель в) современный, новейший; передовой Например: new fashions — последние моды г) [пренебрежительное] новоявленный, новоиспечённый 3) дополнительный Синоним(ы): further, additional 4) не привыкший, неопытный Например: He is new to the work. — Он ещё не освоился с работой. He is new to the school. — В этой школе он недавно. Синоним(ы): strange, unfamiliar Например: There is nothing new under the sun. — Ничто не ново под луной. tomorrow is a new day — утро вечера мудренее new soil — целина, новь 2. наречие 1) недавно, только что Синоним(ы): newly, recently, lately 2) заново, снова, ещё раз Синоним(ы): afresh, anew

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nīwe; akin to Old High German niuwi new, Latin novus, Greek neos 1. having recently come into existence; recent, modern 2. a. (1) having been seen, used, or known for a short time; novel Example: rice was a new crop for the area (2) unfamiliar Example: visit new places b. being other than the former or old Example: a steady flow of new money 3. having been in a relationship or condition but a short time Example: new to the job Example: a new wife 4. a. beginning as the resumption or repetition of a previous act or thing Example: a new day Example: the new edition b. made or become fresh Example: awoke a new person c. relating to or being a new moon 5. different from one of the same category that has existed previously Example: new realism 6. of dissimilar origin and usually of superior quality Example: a new strain of hybrid corn 7. capitalized modern 3; especially having been in use after medieval times • newish adjectivenewness noun Synonyms: new, novel, original, fresh mean having recently come into existence or use. new may apply to what is freshly made and unused Example: new brick or has not been known before Example: new designs or not experienced before Example: starts the new job. novel applies to what is not only new but strange or unprecedented Example: a novel approach to the problem. original applies to what is the first of its kind to exist Example: a man without one original idea. fresh applies to what has not lost its qualities of newness such as liveliness, energy, brightness Example: a fresh start. II. adverb newly, recently — usually used in combination

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