
имя существительное [латинский язык, множественное число] maxillae; [анатомия] (верхняя) челюсть (позвоночных животных)

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun (plural maxillae or maxillas) Etymology: Latin, diminutive of mala jaw 1. a. jaw 1a b. (1) an upper jaw especially of humans and other mammals in which the bony elements are closely fused (2) either of the two bones that lie with one on each side of the upper jaw lateral to the premaxilla and that in higher vertebrates bear most of the teeth 2. one of the first or second pair of mouthparts posterior to the mandibles in many arthropods (as insects or crustaceans) • maxillary adjective or noun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary