
имя существительное 1) Мэри, Мери; Мария (женское имя) 2) [библеистика] Мария; Мариам (в Новом Завете) Например: St. / Saint Mary Magdalene — св. Мария Магдалина Mary the wife of Cleopas — Мария Клеопова (последовательница Христа) 3) [религия]; то же, что и the (Blessed) Virgin Mary - Дева Мария

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noun Etymology: Late Latin Maria, from Greek Mariam, Maria, from Hebrew Miryām Miriam 1. the mother of Jesus 2. a sister of Lazarus and Martha and a friend of Jesus

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary


An extensible, machine-oriented superset of ALGOL68 developed by Mark Rain. Mary is maintained (and used) by Kvatro Telecom AS. Although dated, it still offers a nice strongly typed 3GL with macros but without most of C's flaws. It runs on SPARC and x86 computers. Hidden on the back cover of the manual: MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB - COERCION IMPOSSIBLE.

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