1. имя существительное навоз, компост, удобрение Синоним(ы): dung, muck 2. глагол 1) удобрять, унавоживать (землю) 2) развивать, совершенствовать (тело, ум и пр.)
1) навоз; унавоживать 2) удобрение
I. transitive verb (manured; manuring) Etymology: Middle English manouren, from Anglo-French mainouverer, meinourer to till (land), construct, create, from Medieval Latin manu operare to perform manual labor, from Latin manu by hand + operari to work — more at operate 1. obsolete cultivate 2. to enrich (land) by the application of manure • manurer noun II. noun material that fertilizes land; especially refuse of stables and barnyards consisting of livestock excreta with or without litter • manurial adjective