I имя существительное батист Например: to mow / trim a lawn — жать, мять батист Синоним(ы): cambric II имя существительное газон, лужайка Синоним(ы): grassplot, glade
1) [текстильная промышленность] батист 2) [биотехнологический термин] газон (поверхность твёрдой питательной среды, покрытая слоем, например бактерий)
I. noun Etymology: Middle English launde, from Anglo-French land, launde wood, unwooded field, of Celtic origin; akin to Middle Irish lann land — more at land 1. archaic an open space between woods; glade 2. ground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed 3. a relatively even layer of bacteria covering the surface of a culture medium • lawn or lawny adjective II. noun Etymology: Middle English lawne, laund, probably from Laon, France a fine sheer linen or cotton fabric of plain weave that is thinner than cambric • lawny adjective