
1. глагол [прошедшее время, причастие прошедшего времени] kept 1) держать, не отдавать Например: You may keep the book for a month. — Можете держать эту книгу месяц. to keep hold of — не отдавать, держать (что-либо) 2) а) хранить; сохранять; беречь б) утаивать, оберегать (чтобы никто не увидел, не узнал) Например: to keep a secret — не выдавать тайну Keep knives away from children. — Прячьте ножи от детей. You are keeping something from me. — Вы что-то от меня скрываете. в) поддерживать Например: to keep in touch — поддерживать отношения, поддерживать контакт Keep me informed. — Держите меня в курсе. 3) а) выполнять, осуществлять (что-либо) Синоним(ы): fulfill б) соблюдать, сдержать (слово, обещание), следовать (закону) 4) а) держаться, сохраняться, оставаться (в известном положении, состоянии) Например: The weather keeps fine. — Стоит хорошая погода. If there's shooting going on, keep down. — Если стрельба будет продолжаться, не вставай. б) (keep to) придерживаться; следовать (чему-либо) Например: to keep to the subject — держаться темы Keep to the right! — Держитесь правой стороны! в) сохранять актуальность, значимость; не устаревать Например: The matter will keep till tomorrow. — С этим можно подождать до завтра. It's only good news that keeps. — Только добрые вести могут ждать. Meat will keep in the cellar. — Мясо в погребе не испортится. 5) а) продолжать делать (что-либо) Например: Keep moving! — Проходите! Не задерживайтесь! He kept laughing the whole evening. — Он весь вечер не переставал смеяться. Синоним(ы): continue, go on б) (keep at) продолжать работать 6) а) вынуждать, заставлять (кого-либо что-либо делать) Например: He kept me waiting. — Он заставил меня ждать. I won't keep you long. — Я вас долго не задержу. б) (keep at) надоедать просьбами Например: She kept at me for a year to buy her a new car. — Она год упрашивала меня купить ей новую машину. 7) иметь, содержать; держать в услужении, в распоряжении Например: to keep a shop — иметь магазин to keep a garden — иметь сад to keep a cook — иметь повара Do they keep postcards here? — Здесь имеются в продаже открытки? 8) обеспечивать, содержать Например: to keep a family — содержать семью Синоним(ы): supply, provide 9) вести (что-либо), управлять (чем-либо) Например: to keep house — вести хозяйство to keep the accounts — вести счета 10) защищать, охранять Например: to keep the town against the enemy — защищать город от врага to keep the goal — стоять в воротах (о вратаре) Синоним(ы): defend 11) а) сдерживать Например: to keep (in) one's feelings — сдерживать свои чувства What kept you from doing it? — Почему вы этого не сделали? He kept his anxiety from showing. — Он старался не выдать своего волнения. б) задерживать Например: to keep the children after school — задерживать учеников после занятий Синоним(ы): delay 12) отмечать, праздновать, справлять Например: to keep one's birthday — справлять день рождения Синоним(ы): celebrate 13) [используется в разговорной речи, британский вариант английского языка] жить Например: Where do you keep? — Где вы обретаетесь? Синоним(ы): live 14) keep after а) охотиться, преследовать Например: The police kept after the criminals until at last they caught them. — Полиция искала преступников, пока не поймала их. б) ругать Например: She keeps after the children the whole time, never lets them have a minute's peace. — Она все время ругает детей, не дает им ни минуты покоя. Например: to keep on at a person [используется в разговорной речи] — беспрестанно бранить кого-либо to keep oneself to oneself — быть замкнутым, необщительным; сторониться людей, избегать общества to keep up with the Joneses — жить не хуже людей to be kept in — быть оставленным после уроков (о школьнике) 2. имя существительное 1) уход, забота, попечение Синоним(ы): care, charge 2) содержание, средства на жизнь Например: He paid for his keep by doing odd jobs. — Он перебивался случайными заработками. 3) а) цитадель, наиболее укрепленная часть крепости Синоним(ы): stronghold б) тюрьма Синоним(ы): jail

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I. verb (kept; keeping) Etymology: Middle English kepen, from Old English cēpan; perhaps akin to Old High German chapfēn to look transitive verb 1. to take notice of by appropriate conduct; fulfill: as a. to be faithful to Example: keep a promise b. to act fittingly in relation to Example: keep the Sabbath c. to conform to in habits or conduct Example: keep late hours d. to stay in accord with (a beat) Example: keep time 2. preserve, maintain: as a. to watch over and defend Example: keep us from harm b. (1) to take care of; tend Example: keep a garden (2) support (3) to maintain in a good, fitting, or orderly condition — usually used with up c. to continue to maintain Example: keep watch d. (1) to cause to remain in a given place, situation, or condition Example: keep him waiting (2) to preserve (food) in an unspoiled condition e. (1) to have or maintain in an established position or relationship Example: keep a mistress — often used with on Example: kept the cook on (2) to lodge or feed for pay Example: keep boarders f. (1) to maintain a record in Example: keep a diary (2) to enter in a book Example: keep records g. to have customarily in stock for sale 3. a. to restrain from departure or removal; detain Example: keep children after school b. hold back, restrain Example: keep them from going Example: kept him back with difficulty c. save, reserve Example: keep some for later Example: kept some out for a friend d. to refrain from revealing Example: keep a secret 4. a. to retain in one's possession or power Example: kept the money we found b. to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing Example: kept the news back c. to have in control Example: keep your temper 5. to confine oneself to Example: keep my room 6. a. to stay or continue in Example: keep the path Example: keep your seat b. to stay or remain on or in usually against opposition; hold Example: kept her ground 7. conduct, manage Example: keep a tearoom intransitive verb 1. chiefly British live, lodge 2. a. to maintain a course, direction, or progress Example: keep to the right b. to continue usually without interruption Example: keep talking Example: keep quiet Example: keep on smiling c. to persist in a practice Example: kept bothering them Example: kept on smoking in spite of warnings 3. stay, remain Example: keep out of the way Example: keep off the grass: as a. to stay even — usually used with up Example: keep up with the Joneses b. to remain in good condition Example: meat will keep in the freezer c. to remain secret Example: the secret would keep d. to call for no immediate action Example: the matter will keep until morning 4. abstain, refrain Example: can't keep from talking 5. to be in session Example: school will keep through the winter — W. M. Thayer 6. of a quarterback to retain possession of a football especially after faking a handoff Synonyms: keep, observe, celebrate, commemorate mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed. keep stresses the idea of not neglecting or violating Example: kept the Sabbath by refraining from work. observe suggests marking the occasion by ceremonious performance Example: not all holidays are observed nationally. celebrate suggests acknowledging an occasion by festivity Example: traditionally celebrates Thanksgiving with a huge dinner. commemorate suggests that an occasion is marked by observances that remind one of the origin and significance of the event Example: commemorate Memorial Day with the laying of wreaths. Synonyms: keep, retain, detain, withhold, reserve mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control. keep may suggest a holding securely in one's possession, custody, or control Example: keep this while I'm gone. retain implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss Example: managed to retain their dignity even in poverty. detain suggests a delay in letting go Example: detained them for questioning. withhold implies restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go Example: withheld information from the authorities. reserve suggests a keeping in store for future use Example: reserve some of your energy for the last mile. II. noun 1. a. archaic custody, charge b. maintenance 2. one that keeps or protects: as a. fortress, castle; specifically the strongest and securest part of a medieval castle b. one whose job is to keep or tend c. prison, jail 3. the means or provisions by which one is kept Example: earned his keep 4. keeper 5

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary