имя существительное [психология] самоанализ, самонаблюдение, рефлексия Синоним(ы): self-examination
имя существительное психология, методология науки интроспекция, самонаблюдение (метод психологического анализа, который заключается в наблюдении собственных психических процессов)
самодиагностика (двигателя, трансмиссии)
noun Etymology: Latin introspectus, past participle of introspicere to look inside, from intro- + specere to look — more at spy a reflective looking inward; an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings • introspect verb • introspectional adjective • introspective adjective • introspectively adverb • introspectiveness noun
A feature of some programming languages that allows a running program to obtain information about its own implementation. For example, the Lisp function, "symbol-function" takes a Lisp symbol and returns the function definition associated with that symbol. Lisp is particularly suited to introspection because its source code uses the same underlying representation as its data. Another example is Perl's "can" method which returns true if a given object's class provides a given method.