
глагол 1) а) вставлять, помещать между Например: The investigated material is interposeed between the two lenses. — Исследуемое вещество помещается между двумя линзами. Синоним(ы): insert б) вклиниваться Например: He quickly interposeed himself between Jack and Alice. — Он быстро вклинился между Джеком и Элис. Синоним(ы): intrude в) [шахматы] прикрывать короля, защищать какую-либо фигуру 2) вмешиваться Например: The chairman interposed in the disagreement between the two committee members, and prevented them from losing their tempers. — В спор двух членов комитета вмешался председатель, и не дал им перейти границы дозволенного. Синоним(ы): intervene 3) перебивать, прерывать 4) выдвигать (возражения, доводы против) Например: Will they interpose their veto yet again? — Они снова наложат вето?

Большой англо-русский словарь


вводить; вставлять; вклинивать Например: to interpose in a series — горное дело включать в рассечку

Англо-русский научно-технический словарь


verb (-posed; -posing) Etymology: Middle French interposer, from Latin interponere (perfect indicative interposui), from inter- + ponere to put — more at position transitive verb 1. a. to place in an intervening position b. to put (oneself) between; intrude 2. to put forth by way of interference or intervention 3. to introduce or throw in between the parts of a conversation or argument intransitive verb 1. to be or come between 2. to step in between parties at variance; intervene 3. interruptinterposer noun Synonyms: interpose, interfere, intervene, mediate, intercede mean to come or go between. interpose often implies no more than this Example: interposed herself between him and the door. interfere implies hindering Example: noise interfered with my concentration. intervene may imply an occurring in space or time between two things or a stepping in to stop a conflict Example: quarreled until the manager intervened. mediate implies intervening between hostile factions Example: mediated between the parties. intercede implies acting for an offender in begging mercy or forgiveness Example: interceded on our behalf. Synonym: see in addition introduce.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary