
прилагательное 1) невнятный, невразумительный, нечленораздельный Например: His speech was inarticulate. — Его речь была невразумительной. Синоним(ы): indistinct, unintelligible 2) немой, онемевший; потерявший способность артикулировать Например: inarticulate animal — бессловесное животное She was found inarticulate, but still alive. — Её нашли потерявшей речь, но ещё живой. Синоним(ы): speechless 3) [анатомия] несочленённый

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биология бессуставчатый

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I. adjective Etymology: Late Latin inarticulatus, from Latin in- + articulatus, past participle of articulare to utter distinctly — more at articulate 1. a. of a sound uttered or formed without the definite articulations of intelligible speech b. (1) incapable of speech especially under stress of emotion; mute (2) incapable of being expressed by speech Example: inarticulate fear (3) not voiced or expressed; unspoken Example: society functions on many inarticulate premises 2. incapable of giving coherent, clear, or effective expression to one's ideas or feelings 3. [New Latin inarticulatus, from Latin in- + New Latin articulatus articulate] relating to, characteristic of, or being an inarticulate or its shell • inarticulately adverbinarticulateness noun II. noun any of a class (Inarticulata) of brachiopods lacking a hinge connecting the two shell valves

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