имя существительное 1) Генри (мужское имя) 2) [историческое] Генрих (имя английских и французских королей) Например: Henry V — Генрих Пятый (английский король с 1413 по 1422 г.)
имя существительное [электротехника, сокращение] H генри (единица индуктивности)
(H) генри, Гн единица измерения магнитной индуктивности
генри, Гн (единица индуктивности и взаимной индуктивности)
noun (plural henrys or henries) Etymology: Joseph Henry the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of inductance equal to the self-inductance of a circuit or the mutual inductance of two circuits in which the variation of one ampere per second results in an induced electromotive force of one volt
I. biographical name name of 8 kings of England: I 1068-1135 (reigned 1100-35); II 1133-1189 (reigned 1154-89); III 1207-1272 (reigned 1216-72); IV 1366-1413 (reigned 1399-1413); V 1387-1422 (reigned 1413-22); VI 1421-1471 (reigned 1422-61 and 1470-71); VII 1457-1509 (reigned 1485-1509); VIII 1491-1547 (reigned 1509-47) II. biographical name name of 4 kings of France: I circa 1008-1060 (reigned 1031-60); II 1519-1559 (reigned 1547-59); III 1551-1589 (reigned 1574-89); IV (Henry III of Navarre) 1553-1610 (reigned 1589-1610) III. biographical name 1394-1460 the Navigator Portuguese prince IV. biographical name Joseph 1797-1878 American physicist V. biographical name O. — see William Sydney porter VI. biographical name Patrick 1736-1799 American statesman and orator
(H) The SI unit of inductance: one henry is the inductance of a closed loop in which the induced voltage is one volt if the current flowing through it changes by one ampere each second, i.e., 1 H = 1 Vs/A. Named after the American physicist Joseph Henry (1797-1878).