
прилагательное взбешённый, неистовый, яростный Например: She was furious. — Она была в ярости. He was absolutely furious at / about / over her refusal. — Он был просто в ярости из-за её отказа. She was furious with herself. — Она была зла на саму себя. Синоним(ы): frantic

Большой англо-русский словарь


adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French and Latin; Middle French furieus, from Latin furiosus, from furia madness, fury 1. a. (1) exhibiting or goaded by anger (2) indicative of or proceeding from anger b. giving a stormy or turbulent appearance Example: furious bursts of flame c. marked by noise, excitement, activity, or rapidity 2. intense 1a Example: the furious growth of tropical vegetationfuriously adverb

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