
глагол 1) исключать (из какой-либо организации), изгонять, выгонять (из дома), высылать (из страны) Например: The family were so ashamed when the youngest son was expelled from his school. — Семья не знала, куда деться от стыда, когда младшего сына выгнали из школы. You are expelled from the house which you have indelibly disgraced. — Тебя выгнали из дома, который ты покрыл несмываемым позором. Синоним(ы): remove, thrust out 2) выбрасывать, выталкивать (предметы)

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transitive verb (expelled; expelling) Etymology: Middle English expellen, from Latin expellere, from ex- + pellere to drive — more at felt 1. to force out; eject Example: expelled the smoke from her lungs 2. to force to leave (as a place or organization) by official action; take away rights or privileges of membership Example: expelled from college Synonyms: see ejectexpellable adjective

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