
прилагательное непомерный, чрезвычайный, чрезмерный, неумеренный, заядлый

Большой англо-русский словарь


adjective exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal • excessively adverbexcessiveness noun Synonyms: excessive, immoderate, inordinate, extravagant, exorbitant, extreme mean going beyond a normal limit. excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable Example: excessive punishment. immoderate implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint Example: immoderate spending. inordinate implies an exceeding of the limits dictated by reason or good judgment Example: inordinate pride. extravagant implies an indifference to restraints imposed by truth, prudence, or good taste Example: extravagant claims for the product. exorbitant implies a departure from accepted standards regarding amount or degree Example: exorbitant prices. extreme may imply an approach to the farthest limit possible or conceivable but commonly means only to a notably high degree Example: extreme shyness.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary