
глагол 1) разглядеть Например: Below the bridge we could discern just a narrow weedy ditch. — Под мостом мы могли разглядеть лишь узкую канаву, заросшую сорняками. Some people find it difficult to discern blue from green. — Некоторые люди с трудом отличают синий от зелёного. 2) различать, распознавать 3) понять, разгадать Например: It was hard to discern why this was happening. — Было трудно понять, почему это происходит. 4) отличать; проводить различие Например: How can we discern the difference between two books in a dark room? — Как можно отличить две книги друг от друга в темноте? Синоним(ы): discriminate

Большой англо-русский словарь


verb Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French discerner, from Latin discernere to separate, distinguish between, from dis- apart + cernere to sift — more at dis-, certain transitive verb 1. a. to detect with the eyes Example: discerned a figure approaching through the fog b. to detect with senses other than vision Example: discerned a strange odor 2. to recognize or identify as separate and distinct; discriminate Example: discern right from wrong 3. to come to know or recognize mentally Example: unable to discern his motives intransitive verb to see or understand the difference • discerner noundiscernible also discernable adjectivediscernibly adverb

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