
имя существительное 1) [ботаника] кора Синоним(ы): bark 2) [анатомия] кора головного мозга

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun (plural cortices or cortexes) Etymology: Latin cortic-, cortex bark — more at cuirass 1. a. (1) the outer or superficial part of an organ or bodily structure (as the kidney, adrenal gland, or cerebellum or a bone); especially cerebral cortex (2) the proteinaceous usually pigmented layer of a hair below the cuticle b. the outer part of some organisms (as paramecia) 2. a plant bark or rind (as cinchona) used medicinally 3. a. the typically parenchymatous layer of tissue external to the vascular tissue and internal to the corky or epidermal tissues of a green plant; broadly all tissues external to the xylem b. an outer or investing layer of various algae, lichens, or fungi

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