
имя существительное 1) букет; букетик Например: A large bouquet of jewels, made like natural flowers. — Большой букет из драгоценных камней, точная копия настоящих цветов. Синоним(ы): nosegay 2) комплимент, любезность Синоним(ы): compliment, praise 3) букет, аромат (вина) Синоним(ы): smell

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun Etymology: French, from Middle French, thicket, bunch of flowers, from Old French (Norman-Picard dialect) bosquet thicket, from Old French bosc forest — more at boscage 1. a. flowers picked and fastened together in a bunch; nosegay b. medley Example: a bouquet of songs 2. compliment 3. a. a distinctive and characteristic fragrance (as of wine) b. a subtle aroma or quality (as of an artistic performance)

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary