
1. прилагательное оба, обе Например: He met both friends. — Он встретил обоих друзей. Both performances were canceled. — Оба спектакля были отменены. 2. местоимение оба, обе Например: Both of my sisters are feminists. — Обе мои сестры - феминистки. Both of them are doctors. — Оба они врачи. Both of us often talk to the lads. — Мы оба часто говорим с мальчиками. both 3. союз (both and) и... и...; и к тому же; как..., так и Например: He speaks both English and French. — Он говорит и по-английски, и по-французски. He is both tired and hungry. — Он устал и к тому же голоден.

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. pronoun, plural in construction Etymology: Middle English bothe, probably from Old Norse bāthir; akin to Old High German beide both the one as well as the other Example: both of us Example: we are both well Example: $1000 fine or 30 days in jail, or both II. conjunction — used as a function word to indicate and stress the inclusion of each of two or more things specified by coordinated words, phrases, or clauses Example: prized both for its beauty and for its utility Example: he…who loveth well both man and bird and beast — S. T. Coleridge III. adjective being the two; affecting or involving the one and the other Example: both feet Example: both his eyes Example: both these armies

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