имя существительное 1) пчела Например: killer bee — трутень queen bee — пчелиная матка worker bee — рабочая пчела bees buzz / hum — пчелы жужжат bees sting — пчелы жалят bees swarm — пчелы роятся cluster / swarm of bees — пчелиный рой colony of bees — пчелиная семья Синоним(ы): honeybee 2) трудолюбивый человек 3) причуда, фантазия Синоним(ы): fancy 4) помощь соседям; встреча друзей для помощи, спортивных соревнований, гулянья Например: to have a bee in one's bonnet [используется в разговорной речи] — быть с причудами; быть помешанным на чем-либо
энтомология пчела; пчелиный
abbreviation bachelor of electrical engineering
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bēo; akin to Old High German bīa bee, Old Irish bech, Lithuanian bitis 1. honeybee; broadly any of numerous hymenopterous insects (superfamily Apoidea) that differ from the related wasps especially in the heavier hairier body and in having sucking as well as chewing mouthparts, that feed on pollen and nectar, and that store both and often also honey 2. an eccentric notion; fancy • beelike adjective II. noun the letter b III. noun Etymology: perhaps from English dialect been help given by neighbors, from Middle English bene prayer, boon, from Old English bēn prayer — more at boon a gathering of people for a specific purpose Example: a quilting bee