
глагол 1) душить, удушать Например: I am suffocated in this crowd. — Я задыхаюсь в этой толпе. Синоним(ы): smother, stifle 2) задыхаться Например: I suffocate in a stuffy room. — Я задыхаюсь в душной комнате. 3) подавлять, удушать Например: to suffocate the truth — подавлять правду

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verb (-cated; -cating) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin suffocatus, past participle of suffocare to choke, stifle, from sub- + fauces throat transitive verb 1. a. (1) to stop the respiration of (as by strangling or asphyxiation) (2) to deprive of oxygen b. to make uncomfortable by want of fresh air 2. to impede or stop the development of intransitive verb 1. to become suffocated: a. (1) to die from being unable to breathe (2) to die from lack of oxygen b. to be uncomfortable through lack of fresh air 2. to become checked in development • suffocation nounsuffocative adjective

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