Object-oriented programming

= OOP объектно-ориентированное программирование, ООП доминирующее направление в развитии программирования, заключающееся в представлении данных в виде объектов, обладающих определёнными свойствами и содержащих внутри себя как структуры данных, так и процедуры для работы с ними (методы). ООП имеет развитый аппарат и поддерживается большинством современных языков программирования. Достоинство использования объектной модели в том, что она уменьшает семантический разрыв между предметной областью и программой, а также позволяет писать программы, содержащие на 30% меньше строк исходного текста, что повышает возврат инвестиций. Недостаток - высокая стоимость обучения объектно-ориентированным методам разработки, таким как UML Смотри также: C++, class, constructor, destructor, encapsulation, inheritance, Oberon, object, object model, polymorphism, programming, ROI

Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов

Object-oriented programming

объектно-ориентированное программирование

Англо-русский политехнический словарь

Object-oriented programming

noun computer programming in which programming objects are used to form additional objects and are arranged into hierarchies and in which a single object member (as a variable or function) may be used in several different but related ways

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

Object-oriented programming

(OOP) The use of a class of programming languages and techniques based on the concept of an "object" which is a data structure (abstract data type) encapsulated with a set of routines, called "methods", which operate on the data. Operations on the data can __only__ be performed via these methods, which are common to all objects that are instances of a particular "class". Thus the interface to objects is well defined, and allows the code implementing the methods to be changed so long as the interface remains the same. Each class is a separate module and has a position in a "class hierarchy". Methods or code in one class can be passed down the hierarchy to a subclass or inherited from a superclass. This is called "inheritance". A procedure call is described as invoking a method on an object (which effectively becomes the procedure's first argument), and may optionally include other arguments. The method name is looked up in the object's class to find out how to perform that operation on the given object. If the method is not defined for the object's class, it is looked for in its superclass and so on up the class hierarchy until it is found or there is no higher superclass. OOP started with SIMULA-67 around 1970 and became all-pervasive with the advent of C++, and later Java. Another popular object-oriented programming language (OOPL) is Smalltalk, a seminal example from Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Others include Ada, Object Pascal, Objective C, DRAGOON, BETA, Emerald, POOL, Eiffel, Self, Oblog, ESP, LOOPS, POLKA, and Python. Other languages, such as Perl and VB, permit, but do not enforce OOP.

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