
имя существительное 1) щелчок Например: fillip on the nose — щелчок по носу Синоним(ы): flick, click 2) лёгкий удар Синоним(ы): buffet 3) мотив, побуждение, стимул Например: This bon mot gave a fillip to my thoughts. — Это меткое словцо подтолкнуло мои размышления. Синоним(ы): stimulus, incentive 4) намёк (на что-либо), толчок (к чему-либо) Например: without the fillip of a little scandal — без какого-либо намёка на скандал

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. transitive verb Etymology: probably of imitative origin 1. a. to make a filliping motion with b. to strike or tap with a fillip Example: filliped him on the nose 2. to project quickly by or as if by a fillip Example: fillip crumbs off the table 3. stimulate Example: with this to fillip his spirits — Robert Westerby II. noun 1. a. a blow or gesture made by the sudden forcible straightening of a finger curled up against the thumb b. a short sharp blow; buffet 2. something tending to arouse or excite: as a. stimulus Example: just the fillip my confidence needed Example: lent a fillip of danger to the sport b. a trivial addition; embellishment Example: showy fillips of language c. a significant and often unexpected development; wrinkle Example: plot twists and fillips

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary