
глагол 1) ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать (в чём-либо) Например: Is it kind to encourage the singer in her hopes? — Хорошо ли получится, если мы будем обнадёживать певицу? I gave him all the information but I didn't encourage him one way or another. — Я обо всём ему рассказал, но не пытался как-либо повлиять на его решение Синоним(ы): embolden, foster, hearten, promote, support, cheer Антоним(ы): abash, discourage, dishearten, hinder, thwart 2) потворствовать, потакать, попустительствовать; подстрекать

Большой англо-русский словарь


глагол общая лексика поощрять, содействовать, стимулировать Например: to encourage the development of oral skills — стимулировать развитие навыков устной речи to encourage the store to stock a wider range of products — убедить магазин хранить более широкий Синоним(ы): favour, promote, stimulate, motive, maintain, foster

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов


transitive verb (-aged; -aging) Etymology: Middle English encoragen, from Anglo-French encorager, from en- + curage courage 1. a. to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; hearten Example: she was encouraged to continue by her early success b. to attempt to persuade; urge Example: they encouraged him to go back to school 2. to spur on; stimulate Example: warm weather encourages plant growth 3. to give help or patronage to; foster Example: government grants designed to encourage conservationencourager noun Synonyms: encourage, inspirit, hearten, embolden mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose. encourage suggests the raising of one's confidence especially by an external agency Example: the teacher's praise encouraged the students to greater efforts. inspirit somewhat literary, implies instilling life, energy, courage, or vigor into something Example: patriots inspirited the people to resist. hearten implies the lifting of dispiritedness or despondency by an infusion of fresh courage or zeal Example: a hospital patient heartened by good news. embolden implies the giving of courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance Example: emboldened by her first success, she tried an even more difficult climb.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary